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Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dental treatments can enhance your smile by addressing issues such as stained or discoloured teeth, crooked or misaligned teeth, chips, cracks, and gaps of your teeth.

Cosmetic dental solutions include teeth whitening, veneers, composite bonding, dental implants or orthodontic treatments.​


At Rectory House our skilled clinicians will provide expert advice and design a bespoke treatment plan to give you a natural looking, healthy and beautiful smile which will boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening can give you a noticeably brighter smile by gently eliminating discolouration.


Teeth can lose their natural whiteness from several reasons including diet, ageing, certain medications, smoking and trauma.


We will assess your teeth and gums prior to any whitening procedure to check your suitability. Whitening will not change the colour of any dental restorations such as fillings, crowns and veneers.


​At Rectory House we offer convenient home teeth whitening using customised mouth trays, produced from impressions taken of your teeth. You wear these snugly fitting trays with an effective whitening gel for specified periods each day.

White fillings

White fillings offer a natural-looking alternative to traditional silver fillings, as they are made from a tooth-coloured, composite resin. This means they offer an effective and aesthetic repair for a decayed or damaged tooth. White fillings help to support the remaining tooth structure and also help to prevent further breakage and sensitivity. They can also be used to replace old dark silver fillings. We colour-match the material to your natural teeth, making them a discreet solution that can last for many years.

Composite bonding

Composite bonding is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a tooth-coloured resin material to restore or reshape teeth. This technique can address a variety of issues, including chipped or broken teeth, gaps between teeth, minor misalignment, uneven tooth surfaces and discoloration of teeth.


Veneers are made from slim shells of porcelain or a tooth-like composite material. They can give teeth a healthy, natural-looking appearance. Veneers fit securely over the front surface of a tooth to hide little chips or discolouration. They can also be used to disguise narrow gaps or a tooth that is slightly out of position, and can make teeth look straighter.

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